Isaiah 53
Why do the Rabbis forbid Jews to read Isaiah 53?
The Rabbis removed Isaiah 53 from the yearly reading cycle of the synagogue sometime around 350 AD. This prevented most Jewish people from hearing Isaiah 53.
The hand written scrolls of Isaiah (Yesha'yahu) were so expensive, that sometimes it took a synagogue years to purchase their own scroll of Isaiah. Almost always they were written in Hebrew, and could not be understood by most Jews in the Diaspora. So, only the richest and most educated Jews had the opportunity to read Isaiah 53 for themselves and understand what it said.
Since as early as 500 AD, the False Church of Rome in western Europe had at various times, made education available to all boys to learn to read Latin. Jews in Europe had in like manner continued to their efforts to ensure that all Jewish children could learn to read basic Hebrew, as they had for thousands of years.
However, as both Latin and Hebrew fell out of use as spoken languages over the centuries, education in reading these languages did not help most people understand the Book of Truth (The Bible) , or the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament). People needed to be educated to read these books in their everyday spoken language, to really understand them.
Those who did not understand these languages - not merely be able to read the words written in them, or were not able to gain access to these books, were completely at the mercy of the religious professionals. This had to change if Jews, besides the Rabbis, were going to read Isaiah 53 for themselves.
In 1374 AD, John Wycliffe began his effort to translate the Book of Truth from Latin into English. After it was finished by his friends after his death in 1388 AD, the Book Truth began being translated into other commonly spoken languages in Europe. This not only led to the rise of Christian Zionists, but also created a yearning for universal education in Europe, so all people could read the Book of Truth in their everyday spoken language.
Jews in Europe began in like manner translating the Original Covenant from Hebrew into other commonly spoken languages, starting with Alba translation into Castilian Spanish in 1430 AD. This removed one of the largest obstacles to ordinary Jews reading Isaiah 53.
However, most Jews also still could not afford their own copy of the book of Isaiah.
After Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1450 AD, and began using it to print the Book of Truth in 1454 AD, things began to change.
By 1494 AD, Jewish printers were printing the Original Covenant in its entirety. There were also printings of various parts of the Original Covenant as individual books. These included books containing on The Torah, The Writings of History, The Writings of Wisdom, and The Prophets.
This dramatically reduced the cost of gaining access to Isaiah 53.
Still, most people in Europe, including Jews, could not read in their everyday spoken language.
So, in 1560 AD, the Church of Scotland began making efforts to have all children learn to read in their own language, so they could read the Book of Truth.
Among those educating people to read in their own everyday spoken language were Separatists and Puritans. So, when the Pilgrims arrived in America in 1620 AD, they had a high literacy rate. They began efforts to establish a means of universal public education, to ensure that every colonist could read the Book of Truth in English.
By 1633 AD, the first tax funded public education in Europe was created in Scotland to accomplish this.
By 1639 AD, the first tax funded public education in the New World was created by the Puritans, to ensure that every colonist could read the Book of Truth in English.
By the time America had won the Revolutionary War in 1783 AD, it had the highest level of literacy in the world, for people reading in their everyday spoken language. This was due to the creation of a universal system of tax funded public schools. This system had been created, so every American could read the Book of Truth.
In both Scotland and America, as well as other western European countries that eventually followed suite, Jews were taught to read in their everyday spoken language in these public school systems. They also did the same in their private schools.
So, ordinary Jews in America, Scotland, and eventually most of western Europe, were able to purchase a copy of the Original Covenant in their everyday written language, and they could read it for themselves.
The Rabbis responded by forbidding common Jews in their synagogues from reading Isaiah 53. They said that this passage could only be understood by those educated in the Talmud.
So, why have the Rabbis made all of this effort, over a period of about 1700 years, to keep the Jew on the street from hearing or reading Isaiah 53?
It is because Isaiah 53 gives such a plain picture of the identity of the Messiah of Israel, that most Jews think that someone is reading to them out of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) about the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), when they hear it for the first time. The Rabbis simply do not want Jews jumping to the right conclusion.
It is not hard to see why Jews would think that Isaiah 53 is a passage from the Renewed Covenant, when they are compared to each other.
The Prophet of Truth Isaiah prophesied about the suffering of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophesies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.
Isaiah prophesied, that the people of Israel would refuse to believe the report about the Messiah of Israel, even after the arm of the Father of Truth was revealed by the miraculous works of the Messiah of Israel (Isaiah 53:1-2).
The people of Israel refused to believe that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel, even though the arm of the Father of Truth was revealed by the miraculous works that he performed (John 12:37-38). They did not believe the report that the Man of Truth is the Prophet like unto Moses, who they must obey (Romans 10:16-17).
Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be full of sorrow, despised by the people of Israel, and considered as being punished by the Father of Truth (Isaiah 53:3-4).
The Man of Truth was full of sorrow as he was getting ready to be betrayed, flogged, and crucified (Matthew 26:37-39).
He was so despised by the people of Israel, that they demanded that he be crucified and the murderer Barabbas be set free (Matthew 27:17-22). The religious leaders of Israel considered that the Man of Truth was being punished by the Father of Truth, for saying that he was the Messiah of Israel (Mark 14:61-64).
Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would take the sickness and the punishment, which the human race deserved, to bring people back to peace with the Father of Truth, whom they had wandered away from, like lost sheep (Isaiah 53:5-6).
The Man of Truth took the sickness of the human race, when he healed every sick person that came to him (Matthew 8:16-17). He took the punishment that the human race deserved, to bring them back to peace with the Father of Truth, since they had wandered away from Him, like lost sheep (1 Peter 2:24-25).
Isaiah prophesied, that like a lamb led to the slaughter, the Messiah of Israel would not speak to defend himself, when he was abused, falsely accused, and sentenced to death (Isaiah 53:7-8).
The Man of Truth said nothing to defend himself when he was abused, falsely accused, and sentenced to death by the religious leaders of Israel (Matthew 26:59-68). He said nothing to defend himself when he was abused and falsely accused by Herod Antipas (Luke 23:7-15). He said nothing to defend himself when he was abused, falsely accused, and sentenced to death by Pilate (John 19:1-16).
The Man of Truth indeed fulfilled what Isaiah had prophesied about the Messiah of Israel being as silent as a sheep lead to the slaughter, when he was abused, falsely accused, and sentenced to death (Acts 8:30-35). He suffered without using foul language, or speaking hatefully to his abusers, or making threats, because he trusted in the Father of Truth (1 Peter 2:21-23).
Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would die with the wicked, but be buried among the rich, because he was innocent of any wrongdoing (Isaiah 53:9).
The Man of Truth was crucified between two thieves when he died (Matthew 27:37-38). He was then buried in the tomb of a rich man (Matthew 27:57-60). Even the criminals that he was crucified with, knew that he had done nothing wrong (Luke 23:39-41).
Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would carry the sins of others, die to satisfy the demands of the Father of Truth for justice, and cause many to be justified (Isaiah 53:10-11).
The Man of Truth died for the sins of others and caused them to be justified (Romans 5:8-9). He bore the sins of others, when he gave himself as a sacrifice to satisfy the demands of the Father of Truth for justice (Hebrews 9:26-28).
Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be numbered with the transgressors, bear the sin of many transgressors, and make intercession for the transgressors (Isaiah 53:12).
Before the Man of Truth was crucified, two of his disciples took swords with them, so that he would be reckoned as being one of the transgressors, when they left with him (Luke 22:36-39). One of them assaulted a man with their sword, when the chief priests came against the Man of Truth, as if he was a thief (Luke 22:49-52).
The Man of Truth was numbered with the transgressors, when he was crucified between two thieves (Mark 15:26-28). He took away the sins of everyone, who transgresses the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4-5).
The Man of Truth made intercession for the transgressors while dying on the cross, asking the Father of Truth to forgive them for crucifying him (Luke 23:33-34).
The Prophet of Truth Isaiah prophesied about the resurrection of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophesies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.
Isaiah prophesied, that after the Messiah of Israel died as an offering for sin, then the Father of Truth cause him to see his children, would prolong his days, and the Messiah of Israel would cause the pleasure of the Father of Truth to prosper (Isaiah 53:9-10).
The Father of Truth gave to the Man of Truth as children, those who put their faith in him (Hebrews 2:13-15).
The followers of the Man of Truth are his children, because they are called "Messiah-like" (Acts 11:26). As the Man of Truth is, so are they in this world (1 John 4:15-17).
(The children of Abraham are those who do the same kind of things that Abraham did (John 8:39). They have the same kind of faith in the Father of Truth that Abraham had (Galatians 3:7). Like Abraham, the things that they do will be the proof of their faith (James 2:21-24). In the same way, those that are like the Man of Truth in faith and action are his children.)
The Man of Truth rose to eternal life, after he died for the sins of others (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
The Man of Truth caused the pleasure of the Father of Truth to prosper, by bringing reconciliation to the human race through his death and resurrection, so that they could do what pleases the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:14-21).
Isaiah prophesied, that since the Messiah of Israel justified many through his death, he would become great and strong (Isaiah 53:11-12).
Since the Man of Truth died to justify others on the cross, his name has been made greater than any other name, and every being in Heaven and Earth will bow before him, and call him, "Lord" (Philippians 2:8-11).
Isaiah 53 is so straight forward in identifying the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel, that it takes the help of specially trained religious professionals to get it wrong. The Rabbis are liars about Isaiah 53 being too hard to understand correctly without their help.
In fact, Isaiah 53 is so forward in identifying the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel, that skeptics of the Renewed Covenant claimed, Christians had made up the entire chapter, after the fact. Their accusations were put to silence, when the Great Isaiah Scroll, that contains all of Isaiah 53, was found among the Dead Scrolls. This scroll containing Isaiah 53, was written about two hundred years before the birth of the Man of Truth.
So, it is entirely unreasonable to not believe that Isaiah 53 was a history written beforehand of the crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection of the Man of Truth.
So, will you benefit from Isaiah 53 by coming into the House of Truth?
The Father of Truth said in the Law of Truth, he would raise up a Prophet of Truth like Moses, the Messiah of Israel, that everyone must obey (Deuteronomy 18:17-19). He raised the Man of Truth from the dead, as Isaiah 53 said would happen to the Messiah of Israel, so everyone must obey him or be destroyed (Acts 3:22-26). This assures you that the Man of Truth will be your judge, unless you repent of your disobedience to the Law of Truth by obeying him (Acts 17:30-31).
So come into the House of Truth, by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe the report of Isaiah 53, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
The Rabbis removed Isaiah 53 from the yearly reading cycle of the synagogue sometime around 350 AD. This prevented most Jewish people from hearing Isaiah 53.
The hand written scrolls of Isaiah (Yesha'yahu) were so expensive, that sometimes it took a synagogue years to purchase their own scroll of Isaiah. Almost always they were written in Hebrew, and could not be understood by most Jews in the Diaspora. So, only the richest and most educated Jews had the opportunity to read Isaiah 53 for themselves and understand what it said.
Since as early as 500 AD, the False Church of Rome in western Europe had at various times, made education available to all boys to learn to read Latin. Jews in Europe had in like manner continued to their efforts to ensure that all Jewish children could learn to read basic Hebrew, as they had for thousands of years.
However, as both Latin and Hebrew fell out of use as spoken languages over the centuries, education in reading these languages did not help most people understand the Book of Truth (The Bible) , or the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament). People needed to be educated to read these books in their everyday spoken language, to really understand them.
Those who did not understand these languages - not merely be able to read the words written in them, or were not able to gain access to these books, were completely at the mercy of the religious professionals. This had to change if Jews, besides the Rabbis, were going to read Isaiah 53 for themselves.
In 1374 AD, John Wycliffe began his effort to translate the Book of Truth from Latin into English. After it was finished by his friends after his death in 1388 AD, the Book Truth began being translated into other commonly spoken languages in Europe. This not only led to the rise of Christian Zionists, but also created a yearning for universal education in Europe, so all people could read the Book of Truth in their everyday spoken language.
Jews in Europe began in like manner translating the Original Covenant from Hebrew into other commonly spoken languages, starting with Alba translation into Castilian Spanish in 1430 AD. This removed one of the largest obstacles to ordinary Jews reading Isaiah 53.
However, most Jews also still could not afford their own copy of the book of Isaiah.
After Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1450 AD, and began using it to print the Book of Truth in 1454 AD, things began to change.
By 1494 AD, Jewish printers were printing the Original Covenant in its entirety. There were also printings of various parts of the Original Covenant as individual books. These included books containing on The Torah, The Writings of History, The Writings of Wisdom, and The Prophets.
This dramatically reduced the cost of gaining access to Isaiah 53.
Still, most people in Europe, including Jews, could not read in their everyday spoken language.
So, in 1560 AD, the Church of Scotland began making efforts to have all children learn to read in their own language, so they could read the Book of Truth.
Among those educating people to read in their own everyday spoken language were Separatists and Puritans. So, when the Pilgrims arrived in America in 1620 AD, they had a high literacy rate. They began efforts to establish a means of universal public education, to ensure that every colonist could read the Book of Truth in English.
By 1633 AD, the first tax funded public education in Europe was created in Scotland to accomplish this.
By 1639 AD, the first tax funded public education in the New World was created by the Puritans, to ensure that every colonist could read the Book of Truth in English.
By the time America had won the Revolutionary War in 1783 AD, it had the highest level of literacy in the world, for people reading in their everyday spoken language. This was due to the creation of a universal system of tax funded public schools. This system had been created, so every American could read the Book of Truth.
In both Scotland and America, as well as other western European countries that eventually followed suite, Jews were taught to read in their everyday spoken language in these public school systems. They also did the same in their private schools.
So, ordinary Jews in America, Scotland, and eventually most of western Europe, were able to purchase a copy of the Original Covenant in their everyday written language, and they could read it for themselves.
The Rabbis responded by forbidding common Jews in their synagogues from reading Isaiah 53. They said that this passage could only be understood by those educated in the Talmud.
So, why have the Rabbis made all of this effort, over a period of about 1700 years, to keep the Jew on the street from hearing or reading Isaiah 53?
It is because Isaiah 53 gives such a plain picture of the identity of the Messiah of Israel, that most Jews think that someone is reading to them out of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) about the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), when they hear it for the first time. The Rabbis simply do not want Jews jumping to the right conclusion.
It is not hard to see why Jews would think that Isaiah 53 is a passage from the Renewed Covenant, when they are compared to each other.
The Prophet of Truth Isaiah prophesied about the suffering of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophesies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.
Isaiah prophesied, that the people of Israel would refuse to believe the report about the Messiah of Israel, even after the arm of the Father of Truth was revealed by the miraculous works of the Messiah of Israel (Isaiah 53:1-2).
The people of Israel refused to believe that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel, even though the arm of the Father of Truth was revealed by the miraculous works that he performed (John 12:37-38). They did not believe the report that the Man of Truth is the Prophet like unto Moses, who they must obey (Romans 10:16-17).
Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be full of sorrow, despised by the people of Israel, and considered as being punished by the Father of Truth (Isaiah 53:3-4).
The Man of Truth was full of sorrow as he was getting ready to be betrayed, flogged, and crucified (Matthew 26:37-39).
He was so despised by the people of Israel, that they demanded that he be crucified and the murderer Barabbas be set free (Matthew 27:17-22). The religious leaders of Israel considered that the Man of Truth was being punished by the Father of Truth, for saying that he was the Messiah of Israel (Mark 14:61-64).
Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would take the sickness and the punishment, which the human race deserved, to bring people back to peace with the Father of Truth, whom they had wandered away from, like lost sheep (Isaiah 53:5-6).
The Man of Truth took the sickness of the human race, when he healed every sick person that came to him (Matthew 8:16-17). He took the punishment that the human race deserved, to bring them back to peace with the Father of Truth, since they had wandered away from Him, like lost sheep (1 Peter 2:24-25).
Isaiah prophesied, that like a lamb led to the slaughter, the Messiah of Israel would not speak to defend himself, when he was abused, falsely accused, and sentenced to death (Isaiah 53:7-8).
The Man of Truth said nothing to defend himself when he was abused, falsely accused, and sentenced to death by the religious leaders of Israel (Matthew 26:59-68). He said nothing to defend himself when he was abused and falsely accused by Herod Antipas (Luke 23:7-15). He said nothing to defend himself when he was abused, falsely accused, and sentenced to death by Pilate (John 19:1-16).
The Man of Truth indeed fulfilled what Isaiah had prophesied about the Messiah of Israel being as silent as a sheep lead to the slaughter, when he was abused, falsely accused, and sentenced to death (Acts 8:30-35). He suffered without using foul language, or speaking hatefully to his abusers, or making threats, because he trusted in the Father of Truth (1 Peter 2:21-23).
Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would die with the wicked, but be buried among the rich, because he was innocent of any wrongdoing (Isaiah 53:9).
The Man of Truth was crucified between two thieves when he died (Matthew 27:37-38). He was then buried in the tomb of a rich man (Matthew 27:57-60). Even the criminals that he was crucified with, knew that he had done nothing wrong (Luke 23:39-41).
Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would carry the sins of others, die to satisfy the demands of the Father of Truth for justice, and cause many to be justified (Isaiah 53:10-11).
The Man of Truth died for the sins of others and caused them to be justified (Romans 5:8-9). He bore the sins of others, when he gave himself as a sacrifice to satisfy the demands of the Father of Truth for justice (Hebrews 9:26-28).
Isaiah prophesied, that the Messiah of Israel would be numbered with the transgressors, bear the sin of many transgressors, and make intercession for the transgressors (Isaiah 53:12).
Before the Man of Truth was crucified, two of his disciples took swords with them, so that he would be reckoned as being one of the transgressors, when they left with him (Luke 22:36-39). One of them assaulted a man with their sword, when the chief priests came against the Man of Truth, as if he was a thief (Luke 22:49-52).
The Man of Truth was numbered with the transgressors, when he was crucified between two thieves (Mark 15:26-28). He took away the sins of everyone, who transgresses the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4-5).
The Man of Truth made intercession for the transgressors while dying on the cross, asking the Father of Truth to forgive them for crucifying him (Luke 23:33-34).
The Prophet of Truth Isaiah prophesied about the resurrection of the Messiah of Israel, and his prophesies came to pass, as recorded in the Renewed Covenant.
Isaiah prophesied, that after the Messiah of Israel died as an offering for sin, then the Father of Truth cause him to see his children, would prolong his days, and the Messiah of Israel would cause the pleasure of the Father of Truth to prosper (Isaiah 53:9-10).
The Father of Truth gave to the Man of Truth as children, those who put their faith in him (Hebrews 2:13-15).
The followers of the Man of Truth are his children, because they are called "Messiah-like" (Acts 11:26). As the Man of Truth is, so are they in this world (1 John 4:15-17).
(The children of Abraham are those who do the same kind of things that Abraham did (John 8:39). They have the same kind of faith in the Father of Truth that Abraham had (Galatians 3:7). Like Abraham, the things that they do will be the proof of their faith (James 2:21-24). In the same way, those that are like the Man of Truth in faith and action are his children.)
The Man of Truth rose to eternal life, after he died for the sins of others (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
The Man of Truth caused the pleasure of the Father of Truth to prosper, by bringing reconciliation to the human race through his death and resurrection, so that they could do what pleases the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:14-21).
Isaiah prophesied, that since the Messiah of Israel justified many through his death, he would become great and strong (Isaiah 53:11-12).
Since the Man of Truth died to justify others on the cross, his name has been made greater than any other name, and every being in Heaven and Earth will bow before him, and call him, "Lord" (Philippians 2:8-11).
Isaiah 53 is so straight forward in identifying the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel, that it takes the help of specially trained religious professionals to get it wrong. The Rabbis are liars about Isaiah 53 being too hard to understand correctly without their help.
In fact, Isaiah 53 is so forward in identifying the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel, that skeptics of the Renewed Covenant claimed, Christians had made up the entire chapter, after the fact. Their accusations were put to silence, when the Great Isaiah Scroll, that contains all of Isaiah 53, was found among the Dead Scrolls. This scroll containing Isaiah 53, was written about two hundred years before the birth of the Man of Truth.
So, it is entirely unreasonable to not believe that Isaiah 53 was a history written beforehand of the crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection of the Man of Truth.
So, will you benefit from Isaiah 53 by coming into the House of Truth?
The Father of Truth said in the Law of Truth, he would raise up a Prophet of Truth like Moses, the Messiah of Israel, that everyone must obey (Deuteronomy 18:17-19). He raised the Man of Truth from the dead, as Isaiah 53 said would happen to the Messiah of Israel, so everyone must obey him or be destroyed (Acts 3:22-26). This assures you that the Man of Truth will be your judge, unless you repent of your disobedience to the Law of Truth by obeying him (Acts 17:30-31).
So come into the House of Truth, by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe the report of Isaiah 53, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
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