The Covenants of Promise
What are the Covenants of Promise?
Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) said that the Gentiles who were uncircumcised in the flesh were strangers from the covenants of promise until they were brought near by the blood the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) (Ephesians 2:11-13). We need to notice that it was more than just one covenant.
So what are these covenants and how many are there? What promises do they contain?
We will start with the covenants made by the Father of Truth before the descendants of Israel entered the Promise Land.
The Father of Truth told Noah if he would build the Ark and enter into it with his family, then the Father of Truth would establish His Covenant with Noah and his descendants (Genesis 6:13-18). After Noah left the Ark, the Father of Truth made a covenant with Noah and his descendants to never again destroy the Earth with a flood and gave the rainbow as a sign of that covenant (Genesis 9:12-16).
Sometime after that, the Father of Truth made covenant with Abraham (Abram) that if he would separate himself from the country of his birth, his kindred, and the house of his father to move to the land that the Father of Truth would show him, then the Father of Truth would make him a father of many nations and in the seed of Abraham would all the nations of the Earth be blessed (Genesis 12:1-3). After Abraham fulfilled the conditions of this first covenant by separating from Lot, the Father of Truth told Abraham walk the land that he would give to his earthly seed forever (Genesis 13:14-17). Afterwards, the Father of Truth clarified the boundaries of the land that he promised to give to the descendants of Abraham in that covenant (Genesis 15:7-22)
Years later, the Father of Truth came to Abraham to make a second covenant with him and his earthly seed (Genesis 17:1-7). The conditions of the covenant were for the Father of Truth to be their God and for every male in their entire household to be circumcised to show that they had a part in the inheritance of the Promise Land (Genesis 17:8-14). This was the Covenant of Circumcision that was passed down to Isaac and Jacob (Yah’acov aka Israel) (Acts 7:8).
Centuries later, the Father of Truth sent Moses to deliver the descendants of Israel from bondage in Egypt because of the covenant made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 2:23-25). However, the son of Moses had to be circumcised as required by the second covenant made with Abraham (Exodus 4:24-26). Then the Father of Truth delivered the descendants of Israel from Egypt to bring them into Promise Land as promised in the covenant made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 6:1-8).
In the wilderness, the Father of Truth offered a covenant to those who came out of Egypt to be a special ethnic group that would be above all other if ethnic groups if they would keep His commandments (Exodus 19:5-6). So, they agreed to the terms of this covenant (Exodus 19:7-8).
Afterwards, Moses brought those delivered from Egypt to Mount Sinai to tell them what the commandments of the Father of Truth were (Exodus 24:1-4). Then they agreed again to keep these commandments and were bound to Covenant of Sinai by the blood of the sacrifice (Exodus 24:5-8).
Later the Father of Truth gave the Sabbath as a sign to those delivered from Egypt that they were set apart from all other ethnic groups, so any of them that did not keep it were to be put to death (Exodus 31:13-15). This Sabbath covenant was to be kept by the ethnic group of Israel throughout all generations to set them apart from all other ethnic groups as belonging to the Father of Truth for a special purpose (Exodus 31:16-17).
However, while Moses was getting the rest of the commandments of the Covenant of Sinai, those delivered out of Egypt were breaking it through idol worship, causing Moses to break the tablets it was written on in anger (Exodus 32:15-19). So, the Father of Truth renewed the Covenant of Sinai with those delivered from Egypt a second time (Exodus 34:1-4).
Then the Father of Truth made another covenant with those delivered from Egypt to destroy all idols out of the Promise Land and to not make covenants with any idol worshipers there (Exodus 34:10-17). He then made another covenant to keep some of the Feasts of Truth to mark them as an ethnic group separated from all other ethnic groups on Earth (Exodus 34:18-27).
The Father of Truth made a covenant with the descendants of Aaron, the priests of the Tabernacle, that they alone could eat the show bread and maintain the menorah in the Holy Place (Leviticus 24:1-9). Later, every heave offering of the first born was also given to the families of the priests in the Covenant of Salt by the Father of Truth (Numbers 18:15-19).
After Phineas, the grandson of Aaron, killed a Midianite woman and an Israelite man who joined her in fornication as part of her idol worship, the Father of Truth gave him the Covenant of Peace that his descendants would be the High Priests for his zeal (Numbers 25:5-13).
So, we can see that there were twelve covenants that were made with the descendants of Israel and their ancestors before the descendants of Israel entered the Promise Land. However, there was more to come.
These covenants were made after the descendants of Israel entered the Promise Land.
The Father of Truth made a covenant with King David that only his descendants would rule from the throne in Jerusalem (Psalm 89:3-4). This covenant was as sure as day and night continuing (Jeremiah 33:20-21).
After the united kingdom of Israel was divided, King Josiah and the people of kingdom of Judah entered into the Covenant of Jehoiada to worship only the Father of Truth (2 Kings 11:17-21). Years later, all in the kingdom of Judah entered into the Covenant of Asa that whosoever would not come to Jerusalem to seek after the Father of Truth with all their heart would be put to death (2 Chronicles 15:8-14).
Years later, when King Hezekiah restored the worship of the Father of Truth in the Temple, King Hezekiah made the Covenant of Hezekiah with Him (2 Chronicles 29:1-10). Finally, King Josiah made a covenant to walk in all the ways of the Father of Truth and keep all the commandments given through Moses with all of his heart, and soul (2 Chronicles 34:30-31).
After the exiles from the kingdom of Judah returned to the Promise Land, they entered into the Covenant of Ezra with the Father of Truth to divorce all of their idol worshiping wives (Ezra 10:3-5). Nehemiah had it written down and it was signed by all the exiles (Nehemiah 9:8).
So, six more covenants were made in the Promise Land between the Father of Truth and the descendants of those who came out of Egypt. However, there was more to come.
The Father of Truth gave promises of new covenants through the Prophets of Truth.
The Father of Truth promised to make the Messiah of Israel to be a covenant for the circumcised ethnic group of Israel and a light for all other uncircumcised ethnic groups (Isaiah 42:1-7). He promised that this would happen before the circumcised ethnic group of Israel would be gathered back to the Promise Land (Isaiah 49:5-6).
The Father of Truth promised the scattered circumcised ethnic group of Israel that after they were gathered back to the Promise Land that he would give them a Covenant of Peace as sure as the one He made with Noah (Isaiah 54:7-10). They would experience mercy like King David did in this covenant when the Messiah of Israel comes to rule over them and those of other uncircumcised ethnic groups would come to the Promise Land to seek him out (Isaiah 55:3-5).
The Father of Truth promised another covenant where the Messiah of Israel would come to save them from their sins, then He would put the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) in them and finally put the Word of Truth in their mouths forever (Isaiah 59:20-21). He promised an everlasting covenant with the circumcised ethnic group of Israel where they would be exalted above all other ethnic groups and all ethnic groups on Earth would praise the Father of Truth and do what is right in His eyes (Isaiah 61:8-11).
The Father of Truth promised that He would make a Renewed Covenant with those of the circumcised household of Israel from both kingdoms, that would renew the Covenant of Sinai that they had broken continually, where He would write His commandments on their hearts so that they would all know Him and He would forget their sins (Jeremiah 31:31-34). He promised that when they were gathered back to the Promise Land, then He would make an everlasting covenant to do them good and never remove them from the Promise Land again because the fear of Him would be placed in their hearts (Jeremiah 32:37-41). He promised that they will return to Jerusalem seeking Him to enter into this everlasting covenant with them (Jeremiah 50:4-5).
The Father of Truth promised that He would create another everlasting covenant with those of the circumcised household of Israel from both kingdoms because they had been unfaithful in keeping the Covenant of Sinai (Ezekiel 16:59-62). He will gather them to the wilderness first from all lands of other uncircumcised ethnic groups and destroy every rebel from among them who will not accept the rule of the Messiah of Israel before bringing those who accept this covenant into the Promise Land (Ezekiel 20:33-38).
The Father of Truth promised in this Covenant of Peace that even the wild animals to be tame in the Promise Land and no one would attack the circumcised ethnic group of Israel again when King David ruled again over them in the Promise Land (Ezekiel 34:23-25). This Covenant of Peace would cause the Temple to be built again in Jerusalem and cause all other uncircumcised ethnic groups on Earth to know that the Father of Truth has set apart the circumcised ethnic group of Israel above all others (Ezekiel 37:24-28).
The Father of Truth promised that he would make this Covenant of Peace with the wild animals on their behalf and cause war to cease throughout the entire Earth so that they could be married to Him in safety (Hosea 2:18-20). He would bring this to pass after He was done pouring out His fury upon them for breaking the Covenant of Sinai like a faithless wife (Hosea 6:1-7).
The Father of Truth promised that by the blood of another covenant that the Messiah of Israel would cause peace to spread throughout the Earth and that the Messiah of Israel would also rule over all other uncircumcised ethnic groups that live outside of the Promised Land (Zechariah 9:9-11). This would be done to renew the Covenant of Sinai that was broken by the circumcised ethnic group of Israel and to reunite the divided kingdom of Israel (Zechariah 11:10-14).
So, we can see that there were six more covenants that came through the Prophets of Truth. Many of these covenants were promised to come in the future and to include those of all other uncircumcised ethnic groups just like the First Covenant of Abraham.
However those of other uncircumcised ethnic groups knew nothing about these covenants, especially the covenants of promise that began with Noah and will be completed when the Messiah of Israel comes to rule the Earth. They did not make these covenants, even though these covenants included them.
The most important of these covenants were the First Covenant of Abraham and the Renewed Covenant.
The First Covenant of Abraham promised the seed of Abraham would cause all the families of the Earth to be blessed along with the circumcised ethnic group of Israel (Acts 3:25-26). This seed of Abraham was not the circumcised ethnic group of Israel, but only the Messiah of Israel (Galatians 3:16). So, both those of the circumcised ethnic group of Israel and those of all other uncircumcised ethnic groups are heirs to the promise given to Abraham through faith in the Man of Truth (Galatians 3:28-29).
The Covenant of Sinai could not be kept by the circumcised ethnic group of Israel because of their sinful nature, so the Renew Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) was made that placed the commandments of the Covenant of Sinai on their hearts and in their minds, so they could keep them (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) and their sins forgiven (Hebrews 8:7-12). The blood of this later covenant was greater than the Covenant of Sinai because it was sealed with the blood of the Man of Truth (Hebrews 12:18-27).
Those of other uncircumcised ethnic groups did not need to become part of the circumcised ethnic group of Israel to be part of this covenant, but only have faith in the Man of Truth (Acts 15:5-9). This is what the Father of Truth had promised in many of the covenants of promise given through the Prophets of Truth, so they did only need to do the same kinds of things that Noah had done to be counted as righteous (Acts 15:13-20).
So, come into the House of Truth by surrendering your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). The door is open to even those whose ancestors had no part in making the covenants of promise (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Covenants, Gentiles, Renewed Covenant, The Law, Torah
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